3 Ways to Level Up Your Studio Policy
Save time, energy, and INCREASE YOUR INCOME by leveling up the most important asset in your business - your studio policy.
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Stop wasting your time and energy.
Your studio policy is the most important asset in your business. Period.
✔️ An effective studio policy ensures that your business works for you (and not the other way around).
✔️ It saves you time because you no longer have to answer the same questions over and over again.
✔️ It gives you energy because you won’t have to keep explaining things to your clients once they sign the policy and therefore you’ll have the mental bandwidth for other creative endeavors.
✔️ It ensures you make more money. Increasing your income starts with leveling up your studio policy.
Take the first step to level up your studio policy and grab the guide here!
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From overworked and underpaid to 6 figures with part time hours
Hi, I’m Ashlee - pianist, educator, content creator, business coach and mother of one to a wild and energetic four year old.
My life motto is ‘work smarter, not harder’ and not only do I teach this to the piano players I work with and the piano teachers that I coach, I also live it every single day.
There was a time in my life when I was working 50+ hours a week in my own private studio and at a local college.
I was teaching anyone that wanted lessons and I knew deep down in my gut that I wanted more. More money. More time with my family. More energy to pursue my creativity...
Today I make 6 figures a year and work 25-30 hours a week.
Everything changed for me when I figured out how to earn more and work less and this all started with leveling up my studio policy.