Casual to Confident Piano Player

How to 10x Your Triplets for Speed and Fluidity

revolutionary practice methods rhythm Jul 29, 2024

We're diving into how to master playing triplets quickly and smoothly. Often, when someone struggles with triplets, there are two main issues at play. We'll address each one, so in just two steps, you'll be able to 10x your triplets.

Step One: Get the Rhythm Right

The first step to playing triplets smoothly is getting the rhythm right. This might sound simple, but accurately reproducing the rhythm of a triplet can be surprisingly difficult.

Use a Metronome: One common issue is playing triplets out of time—either rushing through them and finishing ahead of time or playing too slowly and lagging behind the metronome. Triplets are tricky because they divide a beat into three equal parts.

Start by clapping the triplet rhythm along with the metronome. Count it out loud as "1 la li 2 la li." This method might sound a bit silly, but it's crucial for accurately feeling and playing triplets. 

Loop and Expand: Once you're comfortable clapping and counting one beat, loop it repeatedly until you're confident. Then, expand to playing an entire measure correctly. Remember, it’s important to go really slow at first. If you get tripped up, focus solely on clapping the rhythm, as getting the rhythm accurate is key.

Step Two: Play Fast and Smooth

After mastering the rhythm, the next challenge is playing triplets as fast and smoothly as required. Two revolutionary practice methods can help with this: rhythm practice and flash practice.

These methods are like magic tricks—they help embed the notes into your memory quickly, enabling your fingers to play smoother and faster after just a few sessions.

Rhythm Practice: This involves practicing the triplets in different rhythms, which helps solidify the timing and smoothness of your playing.

Flash Practice: This technique focuses on short, intense practice sessions that help engrain the triplets into your muscle memory.

The coolest part about practicing these ways is that they can be applied to any triplet section in any piece. For example, if you're working on a section that alternates between triplets and eighth notes, you can drill it in the same way, alternating between the different rhythms.

Remember, mastering triplets is all about accurate rhythm and smooth, quick playing.

To demonstrate this method using Debussy’s Arabesque No. 1 as an example, check out the full length tutorial on the YouTube channel. πŸ‘‡πŸ»

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