Casual to Confident Piano Player

How to Memorize Every Augmented and Diminished Chords

chords music theory Jul 07, 2024

Memorizing augmented and diminished chords can seem daunting at first, with 24 different chords to learn. However, with the right approach, you can commit these chords to memory forever in just two steps.

Step 1: Understanding and Forming Augmented and Diminished Chords

The first step is to understand how to construct augmented and diminished chords. This knowledge serves as the foundation for all subsequent memorization.

Grouping Major Chords:

To simplify the process, we group major chords into four categories based on their key patterns:

  1. All White Keys (C, F, G): These chords consist entirely of white keys. To form an augmented chord, take any major chord and raise the fifth note by one half step. For example, in a C major chord (C, E, G), raising the G to G# gives you a C augmented chord (C, E, G#).

  2. White-Black-White Keys (D, E, A): These chords follow a pattern of white, black, and white keys. Apply the same process of raising the fifth note by a half step to form the augmented chord. For instance, in D major (D, F#, A), raising A to A# forms a D augmented chord (D, F#, A#).

  3. Black-White-Black Keys (Db, Eb, Ab): This group has a distinct pattern, but the process remains the same. In Db major (Db, F, Ab), raising Ab to A forms a Db augmented chord (Db, F, A).

  4. Random Shapes (Gb, Bb, B): This category includes chords that don't fit neatly into the previous patterns. For example, Gb major (Gb, Bb, Db) uses all black keys, Bb major (Bb, D, F) includes one black key followed by two white keys, and B major (B, D#, F#) reverses this with two black keys followed by a white key.

To form diminished chords, lower both the third and fifth notes of the major chord by one half step. This simple alteration transforms the major chords into their diminished counterparts.

Step Two: Deep Memorization and Application

Once you understand how to form these chords, the next step is to internalize them so you can recall and play them effortlessly.

Focused Practice:

  1. Isolate Each Group: Focus on one group of chords during each practice session. Start with the major chord, then transition to the augmented and diminished forms. For example, with the C major group, play C major, C augmented (C, E, G#), and C diminished (C, Eb, Gb).

  2. Repetition and Sensory Engagement: Play each chord repeatedly, paying attention to the physical sensation of each one. Say the notes out loud as you play to reinforce auditory memory.

  3. Keyboard Exploration: Move around the keyboard, finding and playing the same chords in different octaves. This helps solidify the spatial relationships between the notes on the keyboard.

  4. Mix and Match: Once comfortable, start mixing the chords within the group. Alternate between major, augmented, and diminished forms randomly to test your recall.

Focus on these steps and dedicate time to each group, you'll gradually build a deep understanding and memory of all augmented and diminished chords.

To see how use this method, check out the full length tutorial on the YouTube channel where you’ll see this in action. πŸ‘‡πŸ» 

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