Casual to Confident Piano Player

How to double your confidence with your piano pieces in half the time

helpful tips practice routines revolutionary practice methods Feb 05, 2025
  1. Keep essential tools at your piano – Always have a metronome, pencil, notebook, and post-its ready to go.

  2. Plan your practice ahead of time – This ensures you make the most of each session. [Watch this video if you don’t know how.] And make sure you’re realistic. [Like this.]

  3. Cut unnecessary exercises – Scales, chords, arpeggios, Hanon, or Czerny should only stay in your routine if they directly help you feel confident in your pieces. Otherwise, cut them or reduce to 5 minutes or less.

  4. Use the metronome correctly – It’s one of the best tools to develop consistency and confidence. [This videoteaches you how.]

  5. Count out loud – Do this from the very beginning stages of learning a piece to develop rhythm security.  [This video teaches you how.]

  6. Commit to one fingering early on – Write it in your sheet music to maintain consistency.

  7. Use the Post-It Method – Break your practice down into small sections with post-its to prioritize accuracy.  [This video teaches you how.]

  8. Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities – Instead of getting frustrated, get curious! Ask yourself why the mistake happened and fix it with intention.

  9. Strengthen all four types of memory – Filter your practice through this question: How can I ensure I’m reinforcing each type of memory every time I sit at the piano? [This video teaches you how.]

  10. Practice sight reading daily – This helps you recognize patterns in music quickly, stay in flow, and build confidence. It gives you a micro way to practice all of these steps on a daily basis (as opposed to over a longer period of time with your longer pieces) and so you’ll develop all of these abilities much faster alongside the confidence with your pieces. Want a proven framework for sight reading that minimizes mistakes and builds accuracy? This course gives you the step-by-step system!

Sight reading is the secret sauce behind beautiful and accurate piano playing that no one’s talking about!

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