The Blog
Playing musically is the ultimate goal for everyone that is trying to learn how to play the piano, right?! Music speaks to each of us in a special way. I know this is true, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here trying to learn even more about playing the piano.
There are so many things to pay...
When we are practicing and playing the piano, we are using a large part of our brain. No really - we are coordinating movement in both hands at the same time, our sense of vision, hearing, and touch are all activated, we’re prioritizing certain information AND making choices about what to...
Who doesn’t want smoother piano playing?!
One of my favorite techniques for smoother piano playing comes from the infamous Glenn Gould.
If you don't know who Glenn Gould is – he's an incredibly famous concert pianist from the 20th century whose performances of box music in...
In this video, we covered some common rhythm myths and learned a TON of exercises for getting more comfortable with the metronome, improving syncopation skills, and we even touched on counting two against 3’s.
The presentation has a ton of slides that you can reference back to when you are...
Major five-finger patterns are one of my favorite exercises to use at the piano they are so versatile and with major five-finger patterns you can really hone in on specific concepts and adapt the exercise to work on those concepts.
Personally, I don't really assign technical exercises a lot; I...