Casual to Confident Piano Player

The Blog

The Surprising Benefits of Diving In and Figuring Stuff Out for piano teachers Sep 05, 2023

Today, let's talk about the surprising benefits of diving in and figuring stuff out.

I believe that embracing this mindset of "diving in" and "figuring things out" can be a game-changer in your teaching business, regardless of your busy schedule or other commitments. So, let's explore the...

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Mastering Difficult Conversations with Clients: 3 Steps to Success for piano teachers Aug 22, 2023

Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart—how to navigate challenging conversations with your clients. 

We all encounter moments when discussions about rates, policies, scheduling, or other issues become uncomfortable. That's why I want to share three steps that will...

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Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes to Attract More Piano Students for piano teachers Aug 17, 2023

Today, we're going to dive into two marketing mistakes that many piano teachers make, and I'll provide you with actionable tips to avoid them. 


Mistake #1: Lack of a Compelling Hook or Headline

Picture this: you land on a website or social media post, and the first impression is...

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Owning Your Unique Brilliance in the Online Space: Insights from the Prosperous Piano Teacher Podcast for piano teachers Aug 09, 2023

In this exciting blog, we'll be diving into the topic of showing up and owning your unique brilliance in the online space from both mindset and tactical perspectives.


A Recap of the Guest Swap

Last Wednesday, the Prosperous Piano Teacher Podcast had an episode released on Jaime's podcast....

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Transforming Your Money Mindset: A Journey to Financial Abundance for piano teachers Aug 02, 2023

Embarking on the journey of exploring your money mindset can be both daunting and transformative. As you delve into the depths of your beliefs and attitudes towards money, you may find hidden barriers that have been holding you back from financial abundance. 


The Discovery: Unveiling...

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Are you trading time for money or creating assets? for piano teachers Jul 25, 2023

Today, we're going to delve into a thought-provoking topic: the difference between trading time for money and creating assets in your piano teaching business. I'll break down both concepts, share a real-life example of creating an asset, and explore the long-term benefits of adopting an...

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Working Smarter, Not Harder: Strategies for Efficiency in Your Business for piano teachers Jul 18, 2023

Today, we'll be discussing a topic that is near and dear to my heart—working smarter, not harder. This philosophy applies not only to piano players but also to all aspects of our lives. In this blog post, I'll share practical strategies to help you work smarter, save time and energy, and...

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3 of The Best Content Hacks That Make Content Creation Easy for piano teachers Jul 11, 2023

Today, we are going to be talking about three of the best content hacks that make creation easy. I'm going to give you these three hacks, and then I'll also provide you with an exercise to put them into practice. 

Now, let's talk about content. Honestly, the word used to make me cringe a...

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3 Powerful Marketing Tips to Grow Your Piano Teaching Business for piano teachers Jul 03, 2023

In this blog, we will explore three powerful marketing tips that can help you attract more customers to your piano teaching business. Marketing can often feel overwhelming, but with the right strategies, it can become an authentic and effective way to share your unique brilliance with the world.

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The Ultimate Game-Changing Hack to Crush Every Goal for piano teachers Jun 29, 2023

In today's blog, I want to share a game-changing hack that I've been using to crush my goals. This hack has been instrumental in my business and personal life, helping me make decisions and stay focused on my end goals. I'll provide step-by-step guidance on implementing this hack, along with...

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Skills Piano Players Possess That Can Help Grow Your Business for piano teachers Jun 20, 2023

Let’s explore the connection between piano-playing skills and growing a business. As a piano player and teacher, you already possess valuable skills that can be applied to your entrepreneurial journey. 

We'll discuss three key skills and share examples from my own experiences.


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Unveiling the Musical Journey with Amie Webster for piano teachers Jun 12, 2023

Amie Webster, the owner of Motif Music Studios has an incredible story to share with us about her musical journey and her experiences as a piano teacher. 

Before we dive into Amie's story, I must mention that Amie and I share an interesting connection. Though we haven't met in person until...

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